Youth Ministry


The Youth Ministry is committed to the reality that young people are an important and integral part of our Catholic Community. The youth ministry seeks to foster maturing in the faith of our Community.

We support the gifts of our youth and we foster opportunities for young people to share their gifts with the larger community. The spiritual and social needs of the youth are to be met with the committed leadership, guidance and support of our Community Adults. The adults and youth of our Community are therefore provided with the opportunity to grow together in Christian faith.

Through a variety of events, we seek to draw young people into responsible participation in the life, work and mission of the Catholic Community.

We Believe this ministry is to, with, by, and for young people and is a blessing for the entire Community.

El Ministerio de Jovenes se compromete a la realidad de los jóvenes, ellos son una parte importante e integral de nuestra Comunidad Católica. El ministerio juvenil busca fomentar la maduración en la fe de nuestra Comunidad.

Apoyamos los dones de nuestra juventud y fomentamos oportunidades para que los jóvenes compartan sus dones con la comunidad en general. Buscamos cubrir las necesidades espirituales y sociales de la juventud con un liderazgo comprometido, la orientación y el apoyo de nuestra comunidad adulta. Por lo tanto, a los adultos y jóvenes de nuestra Comunidad se les proporcionan oportunidades de crecer juntos en la fe Cristiana.

A través de una variedad de eventos, buscamos atraer a los jóvenes en la participación responsable en la vida, el trabajo y la misión de la comunidad católica.

Creemos que este ministerio es, con, por y para los jóvenes y es una bendición para toda la Comunidad.

 Lord Jesus, in heaven, you know the troubles of this world, and all the hardships our youth faces. I ask Lord that you lift these burdens from their hearts and comfort them in their hour of need Lord, so that they may not be tempted to resort to violence. I pray Lord that you grant their parents the wisdom and the insight to help their children through whatever struggles they may be going through. I pray Lord that you touch their hearts so that they may turn to you, In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Youth Ministry Dates

September 8th

September 22nd 

October 13th

October 27th

November 10th

more dates to come!

Bring a Friend! God will be present!

Youth Team

Names and Pictures coming soon.

 "Youth Ministry is a fun place to be. Every time I go, it teaches me new things."

- Anthony O.