The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the pastoral process for initiation of new members into the Church, is ministering to great numbers of seekers. The Church is leading them to the knowledge of the truths of faith, to the celebration of the Seven Sacraments, to a commitment to the moral life-including the forming of a social conscience-and to the practice of prayer, and at the same time, the Church responds to their desire for community.

Click on the link below to start the registration :


RCIA 2021-2022



RCIA or Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is 

a spiritual journey into the Catholic faith. It is an

exploration of Catholic teachings, traditions, and

practices. It is a process whereby adults

become fully participating members of the Church

through a series of rites, which concludes after the Easter Vigil

service in the spring. RCIA is for those who:

1.) have not been baptized;
2.) have been baptized in another faith and now wish 
      to join the Catholic church; or
3.) have been baptized in the Catholic faith but have 
      not received the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist.

For more information, contact

Barbara Ochoa through the Parish Office. 

RCIA Coordinator





RCIA Children Form